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- <!-- PegHelp -->
- <p><a name="cash_organizer_help"></a><b>Cash Organizer 2000 Description</b></p>
- <p> </p>
- <p>(C) 1999-2000 Inesoft ( <a href="http://www.inesoft.com">www.inesoft.com</a> ) </p>
- <p> </p>
- <p><a href="CashOrganizer.htm#part1">Functions and features</a></p>
- <p><a href="CashOrganizer.htm#part1.2">Main principles of the Program operation</a></p>
- <p><a href="CashOrganizer.htm#registration">Registration</a></p>
- <p><a href="CashOrganizer.htm#part2">Creating, Editing and Deleting Accounts</a></p>
- <p><a href="CashOrganizer.htm#part3">Account Mode</a></p>
- <p><a href="CashOrganizer.htm#part4">Planner Mode</a></p>
- <p><a href="CashOrganizer.htm#part5">Project Mode</a></p>
- <p><a href="CashOrganizer.htm#new_check">Creating New Transaction</a></p>
- <p><a href="CashOrganizer.htm#transfer">Transfer</a></p>
- <p><a href="CashOrganizer.htm#new_scheduled">Creating Scheduled Transaction (Time-Table)</a></p>
- <p><a href="CashOrganizer.htm#new_scheduled">Key Words</a></p>
- <p><a href="CashOrganizer.htm#category">Why using Categories and Projects</a></p>
- <p><a href="CashOrganizer.htm#CategorySelect">Creating, Editing and Deleting Category</a></p>
- <p><a href="CashOrganizer.htm#part5">Creating, Editing and Deleting Project</a></p>
- <p><a href="CashOrganizer.htm#part6">Prognosis</a></p>
- <p><a href="CashOrganizer.htm#Find">Transaction Search</a></p>
- <p><a href="CashOrganizer.htm#Calc">Built-in Calculator</a></p>
- <p><a href="CashOrganizer.htm#part7">Editing Currency</a></p>
- <p><a href="CashOrganizer.htm#ReportMain">Reports</a></p>
- <p><a href="CashOrganizer.htm#Archive">Backup and Restoring</a></p>
- <p><a href="CashOrganizer.htm#export">Import / Export (QIF, Text)</a></p>
- <p><a href="CashOrganizer.htm#Password">Password</a>
- <dl>
- <dd align="right"><a href="CashOrganizer.htm#ReportMain"><img src="arrowr.bmp" border="0"
- width="13" height="19"></a></dd>
- <p><br clear="all">
- <br clear="all">
- <!-- PegHelp --> <a name="part1"></a><b>Functions and features</b></p>
- <p> </p>
- <p>Cash Organizer 2000 is a software for corporate and private finances managing,
- planning, prognosis and analysis. The software comprises e-wallet and organizer
- functions to allow you managing your financial affaires like you did it using
- traditional PC-organizer.</p>
- <p align="center"><u><b>Features</b></u></p>
- <ul>
- <li>Simultaneous conduct of multiply Accounts, Categories, Projects and Transactions.</li>
- <li>Forthcoming transactions (Single or Periodic) planning and making prognosis
- based on Transactions Time-Table.</li>
- <li>Periodic Transaction Name can indicate period of time the Transaction
- relates to.</li>
- <li>Auto-Completion and Auto-Infill of Transaction, Category, Project or Contact.</li>
- <li>Integration with MS Pocket Outlook Contacts.</li>
- <li>Contextual menu.</li>
- <li><a href="CashOrganizer.htm#export">Export</a> in QIF (Quicken, MS Money)
- and Text /w Tab Stop formats, as well as Pocket Excel and HTML formats through
- Cash Reports 2000.</li>
- <li><a href="CashOrganizer.htm#export">Import</a> from QIF (Intuit Quicken,
- MS Money, etc.).</li>
- <li><a href="CashOrganizer.htm#ReportMain">Full support of Reports</a>.</li>
- <li><a href="CashOrganizer.htm#part7">Full support of different currencies</a>.</li>
- <li><a href="CashOrganizer.htm#transfer">Account-to-account transfers</a>.</li>
- <li><a href="CashOrganizer.htm#Password">Access protection with password</a>.</li>
- <li><a href="CashOrganizer.htm#Archive">Archiving and Restoring financial
- data</a>.</li>
- </ul>
- <dd align="right"> </dd>
- <dt><b> </b></dt>
- <dd align="right"> </dd>
- <dd><a href="CashOrganizer.htm#cash_organizer_help"> <img src="arrowl.bmp" border="0" width="13" height="19"></a>
- <a
- href="CashOrganizer.htm#part1.2"><img src="arrowr.bmp" border="0" width="13" height="19"></a>
- </dd>
- </dl>
- <p> <b><!-- PegHelp --> <a name="part1.2"></a>Main principles of the Program operation</b>
- </p>
- <dl>
- <p>The main concept of the program is a transaction. Day after day, you will
- create and edit transactions. Transactions are elementary financial operation
- such as for instance living area rent or money receipts from customers/buyers.
- Transactions are kept in accounts. There are different types of accounts:
- ideas like "My wife's purse", "Credit to Petrov" and many others can be considered
- as accounts. As a rule, there are a lot of accounts and you can transfer money
- from one account into another. Money is kept on each of accounts in certain
- currency, but when transferring money between accounts with different currencies,
- you can effect conversion from one currency into another.</p>
- <p> To make analysis more convenient, each transaction has some attributes.
- "Category" and "Project" are the main attributes. You can fix transactions
- of the same type in one category with the aim to see in future total amount
- of money regarding this type of transactions. Projects help to group transactions
- from different accounts kept in different currencies on the basis of temporary
- or any other analytical features. Examples of projects are: "House building",
- "Hamburgers producing and selling", "Business Trip to London", "Picnic at
- the lake", etc. Projects can also contain subprojects. This allows grouping
- transactions with more accuracy. For example, it's advisable to move the project
- "Business Trip to London" into the project "Business Trips" if such trips
- take place rather often. Thus, we will be able to see total amounts of money
- regarding the trips. Besides "Category" and "Projects", transactions have
- also other attributes: "Contract", "Status", "Number" and "Notes". Description
- of these attributes you will find in the following chapters of the manual.</p>
- <p> Soon after you begin using the program, you will find out that many of transactions
- are frequently repeated. To make creation of regular transactions easier and
- to let you avoid forgetting something important, the program can schedule
- transactions for you. You just need to set the period of transaction creation
- and the program will remind you when it's time to pay or what is to be received
- and where from. The program lets also to gauge your incomes for the next month,
- year or any other period of time.</p>
- <p> User's interface of the program looks as follows: in the top of the screen
- are located program menu and three buttons - "Create Transaction" Button,
- "Delete Transaction" Button and "Select Program Operating Mode" Button. By
- clicking "Select Program Operating Mode" Button, you will call a menu that
- allows switching to transaction schedule mode, account editing mode and project
- editing mode. Depending on what mode is selected, transaction list indicates:
- transactions scheduled in the schedule (time-table) editor (also known as
- "Transaction Templates"), transactions kept on the selected account or transactions
- and subprojects kept in the selected project.</p>
- <p> In the transaction properties window, you can find and edit all the attributes
- of the transaction selected from the list. In the bottom of the screen are
- shown (from left to right): prognosis date for the scheduled transactions,
- "Show results of the prognosis" Button, total amount for the selected mode.
- Detailed description of the user's interface you will find in the following
- chapters of the manual. </p>
- <dd align="right"><a href="CashOrganizer.htm#part1"><img src="arrowl.bmp" border="0" width="13" height="19"></a>
- <a
- href="CashOrganizer.htm#part2"><img src="arrowr.bmp" border="0" width="13" height="19"></a>
- </dd>
- </dl>
- <p><br clear="all">
- <!-- PegHelp --> <a name="part2"></a><b>Creating, Editing and Deleting Accounts</b></p>
- <dl>
- <dd> </dd>
- <ul>
- <li>To <strong>Create</strong> new account - select "New" from menu
- "Editing"/"Account". When a dialog box appears, enter
- name, currency and initial balance.</li>
- <li>To <strong>Edit </strong>the account - select "Edit" from menu
- "Editing"/"Account". Account name and Memo can be changed.
- You can edit the account currently active.</li>
- <li>To <strong>Delete </strong>the account - select "Delete" from
- menu "Editing"/"Account". All the transactions regarding
- the account will be also deleted. If any transfers from or into other accounts
- took place, bound transactions in other accounts won't be deleted. </li>
- </ul>
- <dd align="right"> <a href="CashOrganizer.htm#part1.2"><img src="arrowl.bmp" border="0" width="13" height="19"></a>
- <a
- href="CashOrganizer.htm#part3"><img src="arrowr.bmp" border="0" width="13" height="19"></a>
- </dd>
- <p><br clear="all">
- <!-- PegHelp --> <a name="part3"></a><b>Account Mode</b></p>
- <p>Account is very much alike bank account or a passbook. But unlike them, Account
- contains all the transactions effected as well as planned in the Time-Table
- Worksheet. It allows to save more information on each of transactions and
- carry out further analysis of incomes and expenditures.</p>
- <p align="center"><b>Account Mode Description</b></p>
- <p>Account Window is divided into 8 parts.</p>
- <p align="center"><img src="co_accpage.bmp" alt="co_AccPage.bmp (7704 bytes)" ></p>
- <ol>
- <li><strong>Menu</strong> - Menu bar. Words depict names of commands.</li>
- <li><strong>Current account</strong> - shows an active account. After clicking
- this element, a list of existing accounts and projects appears.</li>
- <li><strong>Slider</strong> - When you drag the slider up and down the size
- of the Properties window is changed. By clicking at the arrow on the slider
- you can switch size of the Properties window to the its maximum. Click it
- again to switch it back.</li>
- <li><strong>Transaction Properties</strong> - here you can enter Name, Amount,
- Category, Project, Contact, Comment, Date, Number and Mark (unreconciled,
- cleared, reconciled). Transaction Properties can be hidden under Transaction
- List, to show it click at the slider arrow.</li>
- <li><strong>Transaction List</strong> - contains all the existing transactions
- regarding the active account (ticked off). They are followed by a New Transaction
- field (unmarked). Further in the List there is a place for Scheduled transactions
- (unmarked).</li>
- <li><strong>New Transaction</strong> - After clicking this button, a new transaction
- will be created and the cursor will be set in the dialog field.</li>
- <li><strong>Prognosis</strong> - Clicking the button "Prognosis"
- opens a menu containing additional useful data regarding the prognosis.
- All the transactions supposed to be made before the date of the prognosis
- will be indicated in Transaction List.<br>
- Note that when calculating the balance of Scheduled transactions, only Scheduled
- transactions with a date of execution that is earlier or equal the date
- of the prognosis will be taken into account.</li>
- <li><strong>Balance</strong> - Indicates a current (final) balance of the
- active account. Clicking the word "Balance" opens a menu containing
- additional useful data.</li>
- </ol>
- <dd align="right"> <a href="CashOrganizer.htm#part2"><img src="arrowl.bmp" border="0" width="13" height="19"></a>
- <a
- href="CashOrganizer.htm#part4"><img src="arrowr.bmp" border="0" width="13" height="19"></a>
- </dd>
- <p><br clear="all">
- <!-- PegHelp --> <a name="part4"></a><b>Planner (Scheduled) Mode</b></p>
- <p> </p>
- <p>This element of the software allows planning forthcoming single transactions
- as well as periodic that will appear at the Scheduled time at certain intervals.</p>
- <p>You can set a certain interval of Scheduled transactions appearance. Scheduled
- transactions will appear at the Account Mode.</p>
- <p>Planner Mode is like <a HREF="CashOrganizer.htm#part3">Account Mode</a>,
- but features neither prognosis nor current balance as it includes only time-table
- of scheduled transactions.</p>
- <p>Note that in Planner Mode you create only scheduled transactions time-table.
- All the payments are supposed to be effected at <a HREF="CashOrganizer.htm#part3">Account
- Mode</a> or <a href="CashOrganizer.htm#part5">Project Mode</a>.
- <ul>
- <li><strong>Periodic transaction</strong> appears at least twice. Periodic
- transaction is marked in the list as <img SRC="co_cycle.bmp" border="0" width="16" height="14">..
- Effected or postponed transaction can be marked with <img SRC="co_stop.bmp" border="0" width="14" height="14">.</li>
- <li><strong>Single transaction </strong>appears just one time. Single transaction
- marked in the list as <img SRC="co_nocycle.bmp" border="0" width="16" height="11">.
- After the scheduled transaction is effected, it will be removed from the
- Scheduled Transaction List.</li>
- </ul>
- <p>Any of scheduled transactions whether periodic or single, can be postponed
- by clicking the icon <img SRC="co_cycle.bmp" border="0" width="16" height="14">
- or <img
- SRC="co_nocycle.bmp" border="0" width="16" height="11"> in the Scheduled Transaction
- List - it will turn into the icon <img SRC="co_stop.bmp" border="0" width="14" height="14">.
- With one more click you will activate the scheduled transaction.</p>
- <p> </p>
- <dd align="right"> <a href="CashOrganizer.htm#part3"><img src="arrowl.bmp" border="0" width="13" height="19"></a>
- <a
- href="CashOrganizer.htm#part5"><img src="arrowr.bmp" border="0" width="13" height="19"></a>
- </dd>
- <p><br clear="all">
- <!-- PegHelp --> <a name="part5"></a><b>Project Mode</b></p>
- <p> </p>
- <p>Project helps to conduct several separated affaires. Each of transactions
- can be bound to a certain project as well as to scheduled transactions. If
- necessary, you'll be able to get information on what expenditures or profits
- are in progress on each of the projects and also forthcoming transactions
- and amounts being predicted. </p>
- <p>You can effect different operations (creating new projects, moving and deleting
- them) by using Project window. Project window is called by clicking at Project
- choosing button in Account Mode.</p>
- <p>To <strong>Create New Project</strong>, press the "Create" button
- at the bottom of Project window.</p>
- <p>To <strong>Move</strong>, use the cut, copy, paste buttons located on the
- Project window or following shot-cuts: CTRL+X (cut), CTRL+C (copy), CTRL+V
- (paste). To move, for instance, one project into another one, in the project
- tree go to the project to be moved, press buttons CTRL+X (cut), then select
- a project where to move (for example, "All projects") and press
- buttons CTRL+V (paste). </p>
- <p>To <strong>Delete </strong>the project, use buttons Del or BackSpace (BS)
- or button on Project window.</p>
- <p><strong>Advanced functions for money transfers analysis can be get wappropriateith
- Inesoft Cash Reports. It's supplied with Cash Organizer 2000. If you have
- it already installed select the File / Reports menu.</strong></p>
- <dd align="right"> <a href="CashOrganizer.htm#part4"><img src="arrowl.bmp" border="0" width="13" height="19"></a>
- <a
- href="CashOrganizer.htm#new_check"><img src="arrowr.bmp" border="0" width="13" height="19"></a>
- </dd>
- <p><br clear="all">
- <!-- PegHelp --> <a name="part6"></a><b>Prognosis</b></p>
- <p> </p>
- <p>This element allows to get information on scheduled transaction balance for
- any date in the future. This information is located in the left bottom of
- Account and Project Worksheets.</p>
- <p> </p>
- <dd align="right"> <a href="CashOrganizer.htm#parttransfer"><img src="arrowl.bmp" border="0" width="13" height="19"></a>
- <a
- href="CashOrganizer.htm#part7"><img src="arrowr.bmp" border="0" width="13" height="19"></a>
- </dd>
- <p><br clear="all">
- <!-- PegHelp --> <a name="transfer"></a><b>Account-to-account Transfers</b></p>
- <p> </p>
- <p>To transfer money from one account into another one, you need to press the
- button <img
- src="co_chcategory.bmp" border="0" width="14" height="14"> in <a HREF="CashOrganizer.htm#new_check">Transaction
- Properties</a> when creating new transaction. When "<em>Select Category
- / Transfers</em>" appears, there will be Report List in the beginning
- of Category List.</p>
- <p>Select from the list an account money supposed to be transferred to.</p>
- <p>If the target account uses other currency, the program will offer you to
- enter exchange rate.</p>
- <dd align="right"> <a href="CashOrganizer.htm#new_scheduled"><img src="arrowl.bmp" border="0" width="13" height="19"></a>
- <a
- href="CashOrganizer.htm#part6"><img src="arrowr.bmp" border="0" width="13" height="19"></a>
- </dd>
- <p><br clear="all">
- <!-- PegHelp --> <a name="new_check"></a><b>Creating New Transaction.</b></p>
- <p>
- <ol>
- <li>Switch to <a HREF="CashOrganizer.htm#part3">Account</a> or <a href="CashOrganizer.htm#part5">Project</a>
- mode.</li>
- <li>Press button <New> in the top of the screen.</li>
- <li>In "Transaction Properties" enter the transaction name instead
- of < New Transaction >, enter amount.</li>
- <li>When necessary, enter <a HREF="CashOrganizer.htm#category">category</a>,
- <a
- HREF="CashOrganizer.htm#part5">project</a>, contact, date, note, number
- and mark.<br>
- To select category, project or contact, enter at least few initial letters
- in the appropriate field from the keyboard and the program will find needed
- category, project or contact if they exist.</li>
- <li>Press OK.</li>
- </ol>
- <dd> </dd>
- <dd align="right"> <a href="CashOrganizer.htm#part5"><img src="arrowl.bmp" border="0" width="13" height="19"></a>
- <a
- href="CashOrganizer.htm#new_scheduled"><img src="arrowr.bmp" border="0" width="13"
- height="19"></a> </dd>
- <p><br clear="all">
- <!-- PegHelp --> <a name="new_scheduled"></a><b>Creating Scheduled Transaction
- (Time-Table). Keywords.</b></p>
- <p> </p>
- <p>This is like you used to plan your affairs with help of ordinary notebook.
- Scheduled transaction will appear in Transaction List at Account Worksheet
- in yellow or red and not ticked off.</p>
- <p>How to create Scheduled Transaction (Time-Table):
- <ol>
- <li>You need to switch to <a HREF="CashOrganizer.htm#part4">Planner Mode</a>.</li>
- <li>Press button <New> in the top of the screen.</li>
- <li>In Properties window enter the time-table name instead of < New Template
- > and enter amount.
- <p>!If you want a periodic transaction name to indicate automatically period
- of time the transaction relates to, you can insert <strong>keywords</strong>
- {month}, {year}, {day}, {week} and {date} and apply arithmetic operations
- to them, for instance, {month-1}.</p>
- </li>
- <li>Enter the date of starting the transaction, in the "Repeate"
- worksheet enter interval of its appearance and good time before starting
- to remind you of it.</li>
- <li>When necessary, enter category, project, contact, memo. When necessary,
- enter <a HREF="CashOrganizer.htm#category">category</a>, <a
- HREF="CashOrganizer.htm#part5">project</a>, contact, note, mark.</li>
- <li>Press OK.</li>
- </ol>
- <dd><b>Example:</b></dd>
- <dd>At the beginning of each month, you draw salary for the previous month at
- the rate of 100$ from Vostok Company. To get the heading <em>"Salary
- from Vostok for July" </em>indicated in the name of the scheduled transaction
- planned for the beginning of August at Account Mode, you need to enter into
- the name of the scheduled transaction at Planner Mode <em>"Salary from
- Vostok for {month-1}"</em>. Next time when in the beginning of the August
- the program shows the scheduled transaction name, it will replace <em>{month-1}</em>
- with <em>July</em>. Similar arithmetic operations can be applied to all the
- keywords. Note that name of the month - August - will stay the same regardless
- of the date you have paid the scheduled transaction. </dd>
- <dd align="right"> <a href="CashOrganizer.htm#new_check"><img src="arrowl.bmp" border="0" width="13" height="19"></a>
- <a
- href="CashOrganizer.htm#transfer"><img src="arrowr.bmp" border="0" width="13" height="19"></a>
- </dd>
- <p><br clear="all">
- <!-- PegHelp --> <a name="category"></a><b>Why using Categories and Projects.</b></p>
- <p> </p>
- <p><strong>Categories </strong>represent receipts and expenditures classification.
- Many of the categories you settle yourself.</p>
- <p>Categories were invented to let you know how much you have spent for fuel,
- car service, public utilities, etc. I.e., when filling in transactions, you
- can divide them into different types of receipts and expenditures.</p>
- <p><strong>Projects</strong> allow dividing all the transactions into certain
- activities. When the Account indicates a bank or a credit card and categories
- classifies receipts and expenditures, <strong>projects</strong> mean contracts,
- business, etc.</p>
- <p>Some examples of projects:</p>
- <blockquote>
- <ul>
- <li>House maintenance</li>
- <li>Premises selling</li>
- <li>Contract ╣15</li>
- <li>Suppliers</li>
- </ul>
- </blockquote>
- </dl>
- <p>On having worked, for instance, during one month, you'll be able to analyze your
- receipts and expenditures in compliance with categories and projects. </p>
- <p>Detailed analysis can be made using Inesoft Cash Reports.
- <dl> <!-- PegHelp -->
- <p><a name="export"></a><b>Data Export and Import.</b></p>
- <p> </p>
- <p>You can <strong>export </strong>data from Cash Organizer 2000 in Quicken
- (QIF) format as well as in Text w/Tab Stop (TCV). This can be done from menu
- File/Export ....</p>
- <p>Through Financial Report you can export data in PocketExcel and HTML formats.
- </p>
- <p><strong>Import</strong> is essential to transport data from other applications.
- Import format should meet QIF format (most of financial softwares including
- Intuit Quicken and Microsoft Money support it).</p>
- <!-- PegHelp -->
- <p><a name="part7"></a><b>Currency Transactions.</b> </p>
- <p> </p>
- <p>Exchange rate can be changed in the worksheet <strong>Currency</strong> in
- "Edit/Currencies and password" menu. Shortened name of the currency
- can also be changed.</p>
- <p>Currency set as default will be used when counting the balance of scheduled
- transactions at <a HREF="CashOrganizer.htm#part5">Project Mode</a></p>
- <p> </p>
- <p><!-- PegHelp --><a name="registration"></a><strong>Software Registration</strong></p>
- </dl>
- <p> </p>
- <p><strong>You have installed Inesoft Cash Organizer:</strong>
- <dl>
- <blockquote>
- <p>The program will be in operation within 25 days after it was run for the first time. </p>
- <p>Within this time, you need to register software at Inesoft Company or at the authorized
- representative of our company.</p>
- </blockquote>
- </dl>
- <p><strong>If you have downloaded the program from Internet:</strong></p>
- <blockquote>
- <p>The program will be in operation within 25 days after it was run for the first time. </p>
- <p>Within this time, you need to register software at www.inesoft.com in the Registration
- section. You'll get the 2nd Registration number that will make Cash Organizer 2000 to
- function without any time limitations. </p>
- <p>The 1st Registration number can be found in the Registration dialog box from menu
- "File"/"About..."</p>
- </blockquote>
- <dl>
- <blockquote>
- <p> </p>
- <p><strong>Any help on getting the program back into operation after any date loss
- happened on Hanheld PC are available free of charge only for Registered Users of Inesoft
- Cash Organizer. </strong></p>
- <p><strong>Such information losses (for instance, complete batteries discharging) and all
- the inconveniences caused by this are easy to avoid if you'll always create reserve data
- copies on the desktop machine, and, when necessary, restore data from the reserve copies.<br>
- Reserve copies can be easily created using standard information reserving options (Backup)
- of WindowsCE Service or Active Sync (they should be supplied with your Hanheld PC). <br>
- Ask your HPC seller or authorized representative of Inesoft Company, how you are supposed
- to do this. </strong></p>
- <p><strong>Financial data can be also easily restored with help of <a
- href="CashOrganizer.htm#Archive">Backup / Restore</a> options. </strong></p>
- <p> </p>
- <p> </p>
- </blockquote>
- <!-- PegHelp -->
- </dl>
- <p><a name="ReportMain"></a> <strong>Reports</strong></p>
- <p> </p>
- <p><strong>Advanced functions for money transfers analysis can be get with Inesoft
- Cash Reports. It's supplied wit Cash Organizer 2000. If you have it already
- installed select the needed item from File / Reports menu.</strong></p>
- <p>Reports allow comprehensive analysis of the stored information. </p>
- <p>Analysis can be made in compliance with different accounts, categories, and project
- combinations for any period of time. <strong>Advanced filter</strong> for data searching
- and selection including name, contact, note, mark and amount can be used. </p>
- <p>For more information on reports, run "Inesoft Cash Reports" and go to the
- Help System of the program.</p>
- <p> </p>
- <p><!-- PegHelp --></p>
- <p><a name="Archive"></a><strong>Backup & Restoring</strong></p>
- <p> </p>
- <p>All financial data can be <strong>Backup</strong> to avoid losses of important
- financial information caused by batteries discharging or by some other reasons.</p>
- <p>All the information including exchange rates can be archived and then restored.</p>
- <p>Backup is saved with extension *.icb. Average time of archive creating is 10-60 sec.</p>
- <p>To create your data Archive (reserve copy) select from menu "File" item
- "Backup". Then dialog box "Save data as file", and you can specify the
- path and name of the file archived. </p>
- <p>As a rule, Archives (Reserve copies) are stored in power independent disks like Flash
- PC Card or in desktop computer.</p>
- <p><strong>Note</strong>: as archiving doesn't take much of you time, it is recommended to
- do twice a day. </p>
- <p>For data restoring select item "<strong>Restore</strong>" from menu
- "File". Then, if you selected "Yes", dialog box appears so you can
- find the archived file to be restored.</p>
- <p> </p>
- <p><!-- PegHelp --><a name="Password"></a><strong>Password setting and removing</strong></p>
- <p> </p>
- <p>Access to the program can be blocked with a password so unauthorized persons are not
- admitted to use your data. You can also set screen-saver provided with password to block
- access to Cash Organizer after it has been inactive for a period of time.</p>
- <p><strong>Setting Password</strong>. </p>
- <p>To set a password, select item "Options..." from menu "Edit".
- In new dialog box opened, select worksheet "Password". Tick off the
- item "Set Password" and enter a password in the field "Enter
- New Password", then re-enter it in the field "Re-enter New Password".
- Then press the button "Set". To set Screen-Saver Password, tick off
- the item "Screen-Saver Password" and enter the time - as soon as it
- runs out, the program is blocked. Then press the button "Set". </p>
- <p>After the Password is set, the program will ask for it each time when you want
- to start Cash Organizer 2000 or Financial Report.</p>
- <p><strong>Removing Password</strong></p>
- <p>To remove the password when there is no need in it, go to the same dialog box as for
- setting the password and remove ticks from the appropriate fields.</p>
- <p><strong>Note: </strong>If you enter invalid password for more than three times, program
- will block all your activities. To set Cash Organizer back into operation, it's necessary
- to restart the pocket PC. Press the button "Reset". <br>
- Remember to switch to the encoding you used when setting the password. </p>
- <p align="center"><strong>Be Attentive!</strong></p>
- <p align="center"> </p>
- <p><!-- PegHelp --></p>
- <p><a name="Find"></a><strong>Transaction Search.</strong></p>
- <p> </p>
- <p>Using <strong>File / Find</strong>... command helps to find transactions when only some
- fragments of the name, number or memos are known.</p>
- <p>To continue search, use the command "<strong>Find next</strong>".</p>
- <p>Latest transactions will be found first.</p>
- <p><!-- PegHelp --></p>
- <p><a name="Calc"></a><strong>Built-In Calculator</strong></p>
- <p> </p>
- <p>It's often necessary to calculate quickly transaction amount using no special
- calculators. With such a goal, the calculator is built right in the field
- "Amount". It works like an ordinary calculator.</p>
- <p>Besides, you can also effect percentage operations. </p>
- <p><strong>Example</strong>: to calculate "6000+5%", enter in the
- "Amount" field symbol string:</p>
- <p align="center"><strong>6000<br>
- +<br>
- 5<br>
- %<br>
- </strong></p>
- <p><!-- PegHelp --></p>
- <p><a name="CategorySelect"></a><strong>Creating, Editing and Deleting Categories.</strong></p>
- <p> </p>
- <p>Dialog box "Category & [Transfer] List" appears when you press the button
- <img src="co_chcategory.bmp" width="14" height="14" alt="co_chcategory.bmp (230 bytes)">.</p>
- <p>In this dialog box you can select category and account (in the case of transfer). You
- can also create, delete and edit categories and change structure of
- categories/subcategories.</p>
- <p><strong>Creating Category</strong>. Select an item "All Categories" from
- Category List and press the button "Create". Enter your name instead of <New
- Category>.</p>
- <p><strong>Deleting Category</strong>. Select a category to be deleted and press
- "Delete". Wait for a little - it can take some seconds to delete the category.</p>
- <p><strong>Editing Categories</strong>. Select a category to be editing from Category List
- and press it in a second with a pen. The program turns into editing mode.</p>
- <p><strong>Changing structure of categories/subcategories</strong>. If you have
- accidentally created a subcategory in the inappropriate category.</p>
- <p><strong>For example</strong>: subcategory "<em>House Maintenance</em>" that
- is in the "<em>Auto</em>" category should be moved to "<em>Utilities</em>".</p>
- <p>To move the subcategory "<em>House Maintenance</em>", select it,
- then press buttons CTRL+X (cut). Then select "<em>Utilities</em>"
- category and press CTRL+V (paste).</p>
- <p><!-- PegHelp --></p>
- </body>
- </html>